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Building a Wealth Mindset: Transforming your Relationship with Wealth

By Therese Ndjeh: Wealth and Mindset Transformation Life Coach

How much do you want?

How much do you need to live the way you want to live?

What is your relationship with money?

Men and women have been concerned about money since the first coin was fashioned in Asia Minor in about 700 B.C. When you go shopping, what do you look at first? The price tag or the item? Whatever comes first reflects your money paradigm.

We have been handed down myths that are not true. We are told money is not important and people have come up to me to openly say that “I don’t want to be very rich”. Let us start by getting rid of the old myth that money is bad or unimportant. It is not bad and it is important, vitally important. It’s just as important as the food and clothes it buys, the shelter it affords, the education it provides, and the doctor’s bills it pays. Money is important to any person living in civilised society.

We hear people say that “money won’t bring you happiness.” Well, the earning and possession of money has brought a lot more happiness than poverty. If you doubt this, look at today’s cost of living and yet, some people still profess that money is bad. Our society is so organised that man must have money to become the possessor of things. Money is a warm home and healthy children, it is great birthday presents, it is a trip abroad and the means to help the older and less fortunate amongst us. It is your birthright to be rich. Money is important because it is the only reward which is completely negotiable… and can be used by everyone. Look at it this way: Just as we can make a diamond more valuable than a lump of coal, a human being can vastly increase their own value to the world.

Our educational system does not teach us one thing about earning money. There are so many skilled people who are broke and struggling to make ends meet. People are really stuck, because they are following a plan that has never worked and it leads to nowhere. Almost everything that you and I have been taught about money as we grew up was incorrect. The masses operate under the false assumption that because the vast majority of people go to work and earn an income, they know how to earn money. Truth is 96% of our population is grinding out a living.

The reason there are so many poor old people is because there’s a lot of poor young people who grow old and never learn the truth about money.

Truth is, earning money is an exact science. Money has ears and it will gladly go where it is welcomed. That is why preparation for life is very important and it is important to get advice from someone who has demonstrated by results, that they know the laws of money. It is like going to a broke banker for financial advice. Man’s greatest enemy has never changed, it is and always will be ignorance. It is the only competition we will ever face. James Madison once said, “knowledge will forever govern ignorance”. We live on the richest continent on this planet, yet we lament the lack of jobs, lack of opportunities. Why? Our attitudes which stem from our upbringing, repel instead of attracting money.

Changing one’s mindset is crucial to growing in value as a person. Realise that money cannot be sought directly. Money, like happiness, is an effect. It is the result of a cause.

Perish the idea that someone out there is out to get you. A wealth mindset starts with understanding how your mind works, understanding how your paradigms are keeping you stuck and we will show you how to go to that one unexplored vast natural resource that you carry around, your marvellous mind. No business school teaches this. Our 5 senses focus on the visible supply but, as Wallace wattles puts it,

“Never look at the visible supply, always look at the limitless riches because nobody, by cornering the visible supply, can prevent you from getting what is yours.”

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