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Our Roots

Masoma Seeds - The Mindset Transformation Lifestyle Coach


Who We Are

Masoma Seeds stands out as a premier lifestyle, mindset, and success coaching business located in Eswatini. Since its establishment in September 2022, the company has been committed to assisting individuals in realizing their full potential through cutting-edge coaching methods that harmonize Western and African philosophies.


Therese Ndjeh, the owner, is a certified Mindset Transformation Lifestyle Coach with qualifications from esteemed institutions such as the Proctor Gallagher Institute (USA), the Kids Life Coach Academy (UK), Mindful Schools (USA), CrossRoads (USA), and Rainbows for All Children (USA).


Masoma Seeds was born from a desire to offer a more balanced approach to coaching by melding African and Western philosophies. The resulting amalgamation draws from the finest aspects of both, rooted in science, and theology, and the invaluable experiences gained by the coaches over 25 years of engaging with students, teachers, and parents from over 60 nationalities.


We believe that you are a unique seed ready to blossom with the right nourishment. Together, we can cultivate greatness.


Our Vision

​To provide a clear roadmap for individuals to disrupt limiting beliefs, cultivate resilience, and take bold steps towards their goals. We envision a world where true wealth—spiritual, material, and intellectual—flows freely to and from every person, creating an ever-expanding cycle of abundance. By harmonizing individuals with the natural laws of the universe, we aim to foster a global community of empowered, successful people.

Our Mission

Masoma Seeds is committed to empowering a new generation of African leaders with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to unlock their full potential and shape their destinies, through innovative programs, actionable insights and personalised coaching.​

Masoma Seeds is centered around three pillars which are; Ubuntu, Kamhlaba, and Masoma. The three pillars have become an integral part of our identity, and they serve as the foundation of our company. These three guiding principles govern our lives, our coaching services, and our lectures. They are also our contribution and gratitude to the communities that accepted and developed us.






Ubuntu, an African philosophy, underscores the importance of community, connection, and mutual respect. It teaches us that our individual well-being is intertwined with the well-being of those around us. At Masoma Seeds, we deeply resonate with this philosophy. We believe that true growth and success are achieved when we come together, support one another, and build a strong, interconnected community. Our approach reflects Ubuntu's spirit, fostering an environment where collaboration, empathy, and shared success are at the heart of everything we do. Together, we thrive by uplifting each other and working towards collective goals.

Image by Suzanne D. Williams



We embrace the spirit of "Kamhlaba," meaning "the earth that knows no colour." This powerful concept, derived from King Sobhuza II's vision, symbolizes our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and the unity of humanity. We believe that just as the earth operates under universal laws, so do our minds. Success, wealth, and happiness are attainable for everyone when we align with these fundamental principles. Your mind is like a garden: you can cultivate positivity or allow negativity to take root. Everyone has the potential to thrive because we are all Kamhlaba. Wealth and abundance are our birthrights, and knowledge is the key to unlocking them. Success is not reserved for a selected few but is a simple science available to all, regardless of age or status.


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At Masoma Seeds, we honor our roots by embracing the philosophy of "Masoma," a concept from my motherland Cameroon and the Douala tribe. Masoma, meaning gratitude and seeing the good in everything, is central to our philosophy. It symbolizes the energy and love that connect us and attract positive experiences into our lives.


We are "Masoma Seeds" because we believe in the transformative power of this philosophy. Just as Masoma helped Nelson Mandela envision a free South Africa and Martin Luther King Jr. dream of racial harmony, it empowers us to dissolve hate, overcome fear, and become unstoppable.


Masoma teaches us to greet each day with a positive mindset, welcoming all opportunities it offers. It guides us to be good finders, generous givers, and loving individuals, aligning with our true, perfect selves. At Masoma Seeds, we integrate these principles to help you see the good in everything and unlock your potential. Embrace Masoma with us and transform your life with this profound concept. 

Our Philosophy

Image by Yeshi Kangrang
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